A project by Carolina Loyola-Garcia

Tenderness [noun] - 1. gentleness and kindness; feelings of deep affection; devotion  2. sensitivity to pain  3. the quality of being easy to cut or chew

In the summer of 2013, Malcolm and I worked on a play with Quantum Theatre. It was a play about memory, mapping out how we remember. Malcolm biked all the time. He was in constant motion. Somehow, on our way to a picnic one day, we managed to take the turnpike in the wrong direction twice.

It was he who posted Scudéry's Map of Love on facebook one day. It intrigued me, and I went into researching what it was and found Madeleine's story. Shortly after the idea for this project came about.

I naturally asked Malcolm to contribute a piece to my version of the map of love, and he enrolled his daughter Sophie as his collaborator. This is the video they sent. Their assignment was the town of Tenderness...


Text and video: Malcolm Tulip  - Music, voice and text manipulation: Sophie Tulip


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A Project of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust

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